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[1]The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Hostels Rules 2002
[18 October 2002]
1. Short title and commencement.– (1) These rules may be called the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Hostels Rules 2002.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.– (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires –
(a) “allottee” means a person who holds an allotment order under these rules;
(b) “Assembly” means the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab;
(c) “family” includes the spouse of an allottee and his children;
(d) “hostel” means Pipals House and MPAs Hostel, and includes any other building, for the time being under the administrative control of the Assembly for providing residential accommodation to the members;
(e) “member” means a member of the Assembly but does not include the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition, a Minister, a Special Assistant/Advisor to the Chief Minister, and a Parliamentary Secretary;
(f) “non-member” means a person other than a member;
(g) “period of residence on duty” shall have the same meanings as are assigned to the expression in the Punjab Provincial Assembly (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges of Members) Act, 1974 (XVI of 1974);
(h) “room” means a single room accommodation in a hostel but does not include a suite;
(i) “Secretary” means Secretary of the Assembly, and includes any person for the time being performing the duties of the Secretary;
(j) “Speaker” means the Speaker of the Assembly; and
(k) “suite” means a suite of rooms in a hostel meant to be used as a single unit.
(2) The words used and not defined in these rules shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Constitution and the Punjab Provincial Assembly (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges of Members) Act 1974.
3. Eligibility for allotment.– (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3), a suite and a room in a hostel is reserved for the exclusive use or occupation by a member and his family, on payment of such rent and other charges as are prescribed under these rules.
(2) The Speaker may reserve such number of suites and rooms as he may determine for the exclusive allotment, on priority basis, to the lady members.
(3) Subject to availability of accommodation and the provisions of sub-rule (4), a suite or a room may be allotted to a non-member, for a period not exceeding seven days at a time, on payment of such rent and other charges as are prescribed under these rules.
(4) An allotment to a non-member may be cancelled at any time, if the said accommodation is required for occupation by a member.
4. Procedure for allotment.– (1) An allotment of a suite or a room may be made either on an application, or on a request made through electronic media (telephone, fax,
e-mail or Web).
(2) A request for allotment made through electronic media shall be reduced in writing and shall be deemed to be an application received under these rules and shall be processed accordingly.
(3) While making a request through an application or otherwise, it shall also be certified that the applicant is not disqualified for allotment under these rules.
(4) The applications received or deemed to have been received shall be entered in a register in the same order in which they are received.
(5) The allotment shall be made by the Secretary or by any other officer so authorised by him, according to the priority of the receipt of the applications.
(6) Notwithstanding anything in sub-rule (5), the Speaker may order allotment of a suite or a room to a lady member in preference to a male member, but while passing any such order, the inter se priority amongst the lady members shall be kept in view.
(7) A suite or a room shall not be occupied without a valid allotment order issued by the Secretary or an officer authorized by him in this behalf.
5. Bar on allotment.– No allotment shall be made in favour of any person –
(a) who belongs to the constituencies of Lahore District; or
(b) who has a residential accommodation available in Lahore District; or
(c) against whom any dues on account of any former allotment are recoverable, until the said dues are paid; or
(d) who is in possession, in Lahore District, of any other accommodation owned or controlled by the Federal Government or any Provincial Governments, or by any Authority under the administrative control of such Governments, or in which such Governments have financial interest, until he vacates the said accommodation; or
(e) whose allotment had earlier been cancelled on account of violation of the rules.
6. Prohibition.– (1) Not more than one suite or one room shall be allotted to a member.
(2) Subject to rule 7, no room shall be allotted to any person without payment of the prescribed rent; and, no room in the hostel shall be declared as ‘Guest Room’ for occupation without payment of rent:
Provided that subject to availability, accommodation in a hostel may be provided, free of rent, to a visiting delegation.
(3) A suite or a room allotted to a member shall not be taken over by the Buildings Department or the Assembly Secretariat for purposes of annual or special maintenance during the period of residence on duty by a member; and, no such work shall be taken in hand till such time that its vacant possession is delivered to the Comptroller.
(4) The cooking of any sort is prohibited except in the kitchen.
(5) No pet or other animals shall be brought and kept within the premises of a hostel.
(6) No person other than the allottee and his family shall stay in a hostel, without prior authorization, in writing, from the authority competent to make an allotment.
(7) An allottee shall not hand over the possession of the suite or the room allotted to him to any person who is not entitled to use or occupy the same under these rules.
(8) No public gatherings shall be held in a hostel.
(9) No allottee shall use the suite or the room allotted to him as his permanent residence or as the place of business.
(10) No allottee shall obtain any private telephone connection in the suite or the room allotted to him.
(11) No additional furniture, lighting point, fan, heater or other electric installation, except those provided in a suite or a room, shall be made use of by an allottee, and no such articles shall be removed from the said place.
7. Charges.– (1) A member occupying a room during the period of residence on duty shall not be charged any rent but he shall not be entitled to the accommodation allowance admissible to a non-resident member under the Punjab Provincial Assembly (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges of Members) Act, 1974 (XVI of 1974) [2][.]
[3][* * * * *]
(2) A member who occupies a suite or a room in a hostel during the period otherwise than on residence on duty shall pay rupees [4][two hundred and fifty] per day for a suite, and rupees [5][one hundred and fifty] per day for a room[6][.]
[7][* * * * *]
(3) For purposes of this rule, the period of residence on duty shall be the same as admitted by the Assembly Secretariat for purposes of payment of daily allowance in connection with a session of the Assembly or a meeting of a Committee, and for the days not so admitted, the rent prescribed in sub-rule (2) shall be charged.
(4) A non-member shall pay rent at the rate of rupees [8][* * *] five hundred per day for a suite, and [9][three hundred] per day for a room.
(5) A member may either pay the rent in cash, or the same may be deducted at source from any amount due to him from the Assembly or the Government:
Provided that a non-member shall deposit advance rent in cash, and shall also clear all other dues before departing.
(6) A register shall be maintained showing the date and time of arrival and departure of every allottee occupying a suite/room, and the entries of the allottee’s arrival and departure shall be signed by the allottee himself and not by his agent or servant.
8. Surrender of accommodation.– (1) An allottee who wishes to surrender the allotted accommodation, shall intimate the same to the Comptroller and shall hand over the physical possession, along with all other articles provided therein, to him.
(2) Notwithstanding any such intimation, an allottee shall be deemed to have vacated the possession at the time when he physically hands over the vacant possession of the suite or the room to the Comptroller.
(3) An allottee shall be liable to pay rent for the entire period of occupation, including the rent for the day on which he hands over the possession:
Provided that no rent shall be charged for the day on which he vacates the suite or the room, if the vacant possession is delivered to the Comptroller before 11.00 am on that day.
(4) On taking over the possession, the Comptroller shall make an entry to that effect in the relevant register, and shall forthwith inform the Estate Officer and Assistant Secretary (Budget and Accounts).
9. Unauthorized occupation.– (1) A person shall be deemed to be in unauthorized occupation of a suite or a room if–
(a) he occupies the same without an allotment order under these rules; or
(b) he remains in occupation of a suite or a room after his allotment has been cancelled or is deemed to have been cancelled or the period for which the allotment was made has expired; and
(c) the suite or the room is actually occupied by a person other than the member and his family or any other allottee.
(2) An authorized occupant shall be liable to immediate eviction under orders of the Authority competent to make allotment.
(3) An unauthorized occupant shall not be entitled to the facilities extended to an allottee.
[10][(4) An unauthorized occupant shall be charged penal rent at the rate of rupees seven hundred per day for a suite, and rupees five hundred per day for a room, for the period of unauthorized occupation.]
10. Furnishings.– (1) A list of furniture/furnishings and electric installation/appliances provided in a suite or a room shall be [11][maintained in respect of] each suite or room and the allottee will be entitled to the use of such articles during the period of his lawful stay therein.
(2) An allottee shall be responsible for the careful handling of the said articles and shall be liable to make good any damage which is caused on account of negligence or mishandling.
11. Additional Facilities.– In addition to the provisions made in a suite or a room, an allottee may, subject to availability, be provided the following additional facilities [12][* * *]–
[13][(a) a single foam mattress, along with one bed sheet and one pillow on demand free of cost; and
(b) an additional foam mattress, along with one bed sheet and one pillow for rupees twenty per day, and an additional blanket for rupees ten per day on cash payment.]
12. Telephone.– (1) Subject to rule 9, a telephone extension shall be provided in a suite or a room for use by the allottee for making local as well as long distance calls.
(2) The local calls made from such extensions shall be free of cost.
(3) An allottee may, on payment of actual charges, make a long distance call, through the Operator on duty, and he shall also verify the same for record.
13. Violation of the rules.– In case of violation of these rules, the allotment shall be cancelled, and such person shall be disqualified for future allotment of accommodation in a hostel.
14. Repeal.– The Provincial Assembly Members’ Hostel (Allotment and Occupation) Rules 1964 are hereby repealed.
[1]Pursuant to the powers conferred under section 13 of the Punjab Provincial Assembly (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges of Members) Act 1974, and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, Governor of the Punjab, was pleased to make and promulgate these rules vide Notification No.PAP/Legis-1(6)/2002/400, dated 17 October 2002, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary) dated 18 October 2002, pp.3045-50.
[2]Substituted for colon vide Notification No.PAP-Legis-1(6)/2002/598, dated 17-3-2004.
[3]Proviso omitted ibid.
[4]Substituted for the words “one thousand two hundred” vide Notification No.PAP/Legis-1(6)/2002/519, dated 18-9-2003 (given effect from 17 October 2002 vide Notification No.PAP-Legis-1(6)/2002/597, dated 17-3-2004).
[5]Ibid, for the words “nine hundred”.
[6]Ibid, for the colon.
[7]Proviso omitted ibid.
[8]The words “one thousand” deleted vide Notification No.PAP/Legis-1(6)/2002/519, dated 18-9-2003 (given effect from 17 October 2002 vide Notification No.PAP-Legis-1(6)/2002/597, dated 17-3-2004).
[9]Substituted ibid, for the words “one thousand two hundred”.
[10]Substituted by Notification No.PAP/Legis-1(6)/2002/519, dated 18-9-2003 (given effect from 17 October 2002 vide Notification No.PAP-Legis-1(6)/2002/597, dated 17-3-2004).
[11]Substituted ibid, for the words “exhibited in”; however, this amendment was not given retrospective effect subsequently.
[12]The words “on cash payment” deleted vide Notification No.PAP/Legis-1(6)/2002/519, dated 18-9-2003 (given effect from 17 October 2002 vide Notification No.PAP-Legis-1(6)/2002/597, dated 17-3-2004).
[13]Substituted vide Notification No.PAP/Legis-1(6)/2002/519, dated 18-9-2003 (given effect from 17 October 2002 vide Notification No.PAP-Legis-1(6)/2002/597, dated 17-3-2004).